How to handle pain, stress and disappointment

“As you are in any situation you find yourselves in, you uncover something that you have been hiding from yourselves. Seeing more clearly than ever before will give you exactly what you need, but you will first recognize that it is not about the situation you find yourselves in.

Many of you want to know why, and you want to know why because you are not only eager to get past the situation, but you want to know how to avoid it from ever happening again. We suggest that you let go of the why, and you place all of your attention on how you respond to what is before you.

The wealth of information that is given to you in your response is often overlooked. Take, for example, the times when you find yourselves confronted by another person who has something unpleasant to say to you. What is your first response? Your first response is usually overlooked – that is the response you feel in your body. You have an emotional and a physical response to what the person is saying to you.

What happens next is that you tell the other person how or why they are mistaken, or how their point of view needs to be altered. If instead your attention were to go to the physical and emotional responses, and if you were then able to give more of your focus to what is happening in your body, you would find that the response within you would carry you right out of the situation.

And this holds true for no matter what is happening in your life. Giving your full attention to how you are affected will dissolve that which is before you, because you will be attending to that which is most significant. And when you do so, you no longer need a person, an event, or a situation in your lives to get you to pay attention.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”


“The average person breathes at 18 breaths a minute. If you breathe at 18 breaths a minute for a 24 hour period, you will have breathed 25,920 breaths. These 25,920 breaths are equivalent to the Sun traveling through the 12 zodiacs, or constellations in space, every 25,920 years. This is equal to a great year. [The Mayan/Olmec calendar states this last great year will end on Dec. 21st 2012, and there will be a transition into a new great year. Elijah Muhammad in “The Message to the Blackman,” refers to it as our ancestors writing the history of the next 25,000 years, every 25,000 years.] So we have to slow the breath down. A person who concentrates and reads a book, their breath automatically slows down to 9 breaths a minute. At that point your focus and concentration increases, dramatically. And your memory begins to become greater. It’s at 7.5 breaths, however, that the memory becomes so great, that you actually begin to go into what is called, photographic memory. And also accessing what is called, the Akashic Records, which is the universal library [a record of everything in the universe, past, present, and future, physical and metaphysical.]. Also at 7.5 breaths a minute you would be able to tap into intrapersonal consciousness, and if you breathe that breath for 12 minutes you will be able to tap into the muscles and tissues, and heal them at that level.”

Summer Solstice June 21st, 2014 ~ Unfolding of The Dream

The New Divine Humanity


The Summer Solstice is on June 21st, 2014, 7:51 ADT. Unfold the Dream!

In the Northern Hemisphere, on June 21st we Celebrate the first day of Summer. In the Southern Hemisphere you celebrate the first day of Winter.

The Term Solstice is derived from the Latin word Sol ~ Sun and Sistere, to Stand Still. During the Solstice the path of the Sun stands still in Declination. The seasonal movement of the Sun’s Path comes to a stand still before it reverses directions.

The Summer solstice marks the Highest placement of the Sun in the sky, and this also represents the Longest day.  The Winter Solstice represents the Shortest Day of the year.

Honour these Sacred times through the honouring of the Natural Rhythms on Planet Earth.

At the Spring Equinox we celebrated Embracing the Dream. There was a Huge Opening for the Birthing of the New Creation. I entered DEEPLY into the…

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Planet Alert – Summer Solstice 2014

Ascension Project 2012


Planet Alert – Summer Solstice June 2014
Posted on June 14, 2014 by Jean Haines

By Admin on behalf of Mahala
June 14th, 2014

The Summer Solstice will occur this year on June 21 at 3:51 AM PDT. The Summer Solstice is always in effect until the Fall Equinox. The Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice are always lined up with the Galactic Center which makes it a very important point in time. The planet Mercury (in retrograde) is also lined up with the Galactic Center this year. Actually I should say Mercury is in opposition to the Galactic Center which is 28 Sagittarius. Mercury will be on 28 Gemini. We feel the effects of this alignment either in conjunction or opposition.

The Midwest will feel the full force of this Summer Solstice. As the Sun moved through Gemini it activated fires in various parts of the west, like Arizona…

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Let Go

by Misa at Awakening the Sacred Feminine

A few days ago, I interviewed a dear friend and colleague, Chris Davis, as a Woman of Power and Spirit. You’ll be hearing her story soon.

During the interview, she reminded me that I introduced her to the concept of “give- away” in spiritual practice some years ago. Give-away has a way of stimulating the spiritual journey.

When you know it is time for you to share your gifts with the world in a new and more deeply meaningful way, you begin with your giveaway.

For example, before I was taught how to pour a sweat lodge, I was asked what I would be giving away. Before I was introduced to my husband and began our sacred work together, I knew there was something I needed to give away. Before I began offering spiritual counseling, I had something I needed to give away. Before I did my first vision quest, I had to make my give-away.

The give-away can be a physical offering, or the release of a belief or attachment, and most often, it is both. Throughout my life I have given away almost all of my possessions more than once. I’ve given away my partnership with my beloved, my home, job, sums of money, and I’ve given away addictive substances like sugar.

With each give-away, I was letting go of attachments to certain beliefs and fears in order to develop a greater trust in the Divine. In some cases, what I gave away came right back to me—like my beloved husband.

Because I love my husband so much, he would be the hardest person to lose. He is the one I tend to cling to. More than once, I have been called to give-away an attachment to him. In the practice of give-away, I release him to his greater good, supporting him in what is best for him, all the while knowing the Divine will take care of me with or without him next to me.

This doesn’t mean we got divorced and remarried. It doesn’t mean I left him or told him I was giving him up. It means, in prayer, I gave up all my attachments about how our lives had to be so that his greater good could be served. I gave my fears to the Divine and stood naked before the Divine, humbled and ready to be of service; ready to accept whatever was right and best—to be with him, not to be with him, to be with him in a new way.

You see, if we don’t do it consciously and willingly, it happens painfully. What we cling to gets ripped away from us. And we suffer in physical and/or emotional pain.

What we are clinging to is most often what is getting in the way of our healing or spiritual rebirth. We are asking and praying for something new and wonderful to happen in our lives, but we aren’t willing to let go of unconstructive habits, fears, limiting beliefs, or to make the changes that would allow us to fly.

Our prayers get answered in the form of a painful loss, unless we meet our fears consciously and give-away whatever might be limiting us. What we are most afraid of losing is exactly what we will lose, unless we give it to the Divine consciously. After all, what we cling to belongs to the Divine anyway. So when we make our give-away we are saying, “I am willing to let my ego step back, open to Divine wisdom, face my fears, and experience the brilliance of Divine love unencumbered.

When the give-away is sincere, the blessings are abundant.
Give-away is on my mind these days, as I help a quester prepare to do her vision quest at SpiritQuest this August. I know that the depth of her spiritual opening is directly related to the significance of her give-away.

And that will be true for everyone that comes to quest. Each person will be asked to give-away some attachment that no longer serves. As the attachment releases, the person’s spiritual gifts open in the most beautiful ways—through mystical moments—the peak experiences we pray for.


Love is the answer no matter the question

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you find yourselves reacting in the way that you do. It only matters that you recognize that an outward appearance gives you only that which is on the surface. Your immediate reaction will inform you of a judgment that you are holding. That may be a judgment that something is good or better because of how it appears. It really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you recognize when you are doing this.

Partoos Ascension

In the meantime many things have calmed down on Landras.

The Pioneers on Landras, who are in the adaptation phase now, have for some time had the possibility to connect their 18 aspects whenever they want to. Consequently they can travel with their merkabah, something they really enjoy doing. With that they spread much spirituality, and many inhabitants, who had experienced an inner view before, are being guided into a stable awakening.

It’s true that water is still scarce, but this is also becoming more and more stable. Many star travelers and galactic riders are on various planets in order to collect energies and information that they bring to their inhabitants. These now live in bigger communities and work in a kind of spiritual centers. At the moment everything is looking very good.

During the Kryon Festival the ascension of Partoos occurred.

It was a very big challenge for me, for I heard about it during the Eleua transmission and had to decide when to tell the participants about it. So I asked the imminent walk-in, Angel Michael, to announce the ascension of Partoos if he wanted, which he then did.

The ascension of Partoos took place very, very gently. Very little had to be transformed, hardly anything was destroyed. The inner view of the inhabitants there took very long, approximately 22 minutes, which is long in linear time.

The tone sounded completely different than before on Landras.

The inhabitants of Partoos resemble us very much. In their entire work as well, with the exception that they are hermaphroditic. This means that they bear masculine as well as feminine energies in equal parts within. But it is one and the same form.

After the ascension had taken place and the inner view was over enormous joy and euphoria was released, with singing and dancing. This high energy of joy immediately caused another quake. But everything went very gently.

Nevertheless, more evacuations were necessary on Partoos than on Landras. Very many inhabitants were fetched onto the Ashtar ship. Training followed to release energetic patterns and connect aspects – patterns and aspects, which for some reason had not released themselves during the inner view or had not been embedded well enough so that the merkabah could not develop itself fully. Which now already enables the Pioneers of Partoos to travel to Venus.

They do not take material nourishment anymore, but live on light now. This is subject to free will and does not mean that it will be the same with us.

On Landras about one third less inhabitants than on Partoos were evacuated.

On Partoos many other beings of other frequencies were also fetched. What I think is very fascinating is that these are now working very closely with the yellow frequency, have connected with it, as sounds are very important to the beings of the yellow frequency as well.

On Partoos much work was done with the energy of grace, which I think is very nice, and at the end of the day this has helped the planet to ascend.

In the figurative sense they call it the Kingdom of the Grace Field. In contrast to the Crystal Places they have this area of grace energy that is very similar to the Eleua Energy. Thus the ascension was not really a surprise, for they already knew that this call, this tone would come.

The inhabitants of Partoos were evacuated with their body. After the planet’s ascension the colors changed extremely and also the star tetrahedrons are visible. Sherin manifested herself visibly, the Starseed arrived and everyone sang together and a light prayer was said for the planet. The singing of the angels was also audible.

It was also thanks to the grace energy that everything could be carried out very calmly and gently.

It is a bit different on Earth. Because Jesus was with us and doubted in the moment of his betrayal the seed of doubt was sown. The inhabitants of Partoos do not know doubt. That is why it was a bit easier for them.

Nonetheless I think it is impressive that we, even though we know doubt, now are at the very top of the “consciousness list”.

I can and want to only speak for the Pioneers of the golden-blue frequency, for this concerns particularly the Pioneers of this frequency. There really are very many who are in deep intention, through that much expands very quickly.

Knotting the Lucifer bond is an excellent example.

Particularly for that the grace energy of Partoos that is being drawn off and is flowing to us now is very helpful to our planet.

On Partoos it was also similar to here before the ascension. For many years they, too, received information that everything will collapse, that certain things and structures will not be able to hold on, that it will come to great changes. And suddenly there was a change and these things were spoken about much more intensively. In linear time it then still took about one and a half years until the ascension had taken place.

Up until then much on the outside had already changed. And now they have the possibility to shape all that is new.

I am one hundred percent convinced that in the adaptation phase here, we, too, as Pioneers will go ahead as example. Will lay tracks again to shape the new Earth. I can imagine that a new education system will develop. There will not be money in this form anymore. Nevertheless there will be a balance between giving and receiving in a different form. I can imagine that human beings will live together in centers or villages and everybody will work according to his ability and skill. Perhaps lay out and care for gardens or similar things. In any case, we will be in demand to lay the tracks here. For all the things that have nothing to do with love, that have something to do with power and suppression will not be able to continue and will break up.

But, seen retrospectively, just as with Landras before it was the energetic patterns that had been embedded that were very helpful for the ascension.

One of the new technologies, for example, makes it possible for the inhabitants to neutralize the harmful substances and all pollution that had, of course, also been triggered by the ascension. With the help of new technology they can create and increase water, and each Pioneer has a star vehicle he can travel with.

Not through the universe yet, but they can move from A to B on their planet very quickly with it.

Most inhabitants experienced the transition consciously with their body. Others fell into a kind of coma, and in that time the cells were reprogrammed. Energies were also transmitted to them, particularly grace energy.

The children and young persons will work in their radiant power during and after the ascension. All this will happen with embedded energetic patterns. But they will radiate very much energy that is very helpful to the entire cause.

Basically everything is going similarly to Landras, though in a more intensive form. Everything is transformed immediately and the complete truth shows and reveals itself in the soul.


Information through the medium Sabine Sangitar from November 9, 2011