Next are the Mental Patterns

November 1-7, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Many of you have been dedicating yourselves to the greater purification of your mind patterns and thought patterns. Now that the emotional patterns are almost balanced and made neutral, the thoughts become the next area of observation and recalibration. This work is something that only you can do, there is no one else that is in charge of your thoughts or how you choose to think within your mind. There is more than one way to perceive and look at things within the situations that come up in your lives. There is more than one way to respond in your mastery of them, however, through lifetime conditioning people most times tend to respond and react in the same old patterns that never brought them success before. This, in all likelihood is why the same type of situation keeps cropping up in their daily living.

Each of you has been trying to discover more of your own higher aspects and bring these into your experience. You have been seeking to raise the energies within each step along your path to the understanding of yourself and the reality that is unfolding along the way. You seek to be in the right mind frame so that you can open the treasure chest of experience in your journey through this lifetime. You know that you are a spark of the divine flame and that you are a co-creator with the universe, that you have the potential for wondrous creation. You know that your soul is the sacred vehicle for divine inspiration and for the awakened awareness of your own godliness. You aspire to greatness of spirit within which you have the passion and inspiration of unfolding possibilities. The transformative fire within you and your light moves you toward your dreams, to shine as a beacon for others in order to raise the consciousness of all living beings as you endeavour to raise your own.

This role requires reflection, discernment and the understanding of how focused intent brings spirit into manifestation. When you are open to spirit you begin to perceive the unlimited potential and abundance that has always been available to you. You recognize the beauty in all of life and you drink this beauty into your daily experience. You know that this abundance can be tapped into by aligning with the flow of the Earth’s rhythms and allowing the magnificence if what that truly means for everyone. Honor your own highest good in your spiritual potential and within everyone around you. Give sustenance and nourishment to those activities that further the unfolding of this potential and let all else fall away.

It is only by uniting forces with others and working together that the vision of the new world can be expanded. Examine the ways that you can help others to bring out their higher potential and creative expression. In this way you also add to the experiences of the collective of humanity. Be aware of how you use your own energy and remember to honor those around you who surround and support you. Be noble and humble in your quest for mastery, for each of you has your own path to follow that leads to the ultimate goal of the mastery of self. No one has all the answers. Mastery and leadership requires the compassion, discernment, selfless service and pure vision to ignite the passion that burns within the hearts of others around you.

You must continue to cleanse your auric field and individual chakras on a daily basis. Align with your higher self and your God sanctioned spiritual guides and angels in order to maintain your high connections. Daily practice of meditation, contemplation and attunement to the higher realms is a necessity to maintain clarity and sense of purpose. As the Earth moves into higher frequencies this becomes of paramount importance. You are each God’s loving grace manifesting here on Earth. These practices will keep you connected to this purpose.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Build Your New Yourself

Beloved Ones,

You are now playing the waiting game, only you cannot discern the purpose of your waiting. It is time to step up to the next level of your journey. The thing you are waiting for is your own remembrance of the magnificence you are. This remembrance is coded within you and it is connected to an event in your life that will or has already taken place. How you will know that yours has been activated is by the feeling you experience that there is nothing of the old world that holds any interest for you any longer. You are more than ready to leave behind all the old programs and beliefs that were not really yours to begin with. This readiness can sometimes be experienced as depression, lethargy and apathy, the feeling that nothing will ever get better in your day to day life and that there is only chaos and dissolution that surrounds you. Know that when you are experiencing this, you will soon be moving into a higher octave and frequency.

What is called for now is to foster the feeling of gratitude and praise for every moment of your daily life. For every negating thought you have, find 10 things in your life to be grateful for and praise yourself for each one. Every time a self defeating thought surfaces from deep within, take the time to make a list of ten things that are good and are working in your life, even if it seems mundane to your perceptions. The point is to train your mind to think only empowering and nurturing thoughts so that you draw to yourself all that you desire to experience in your daily life. The work that must be done now is to love and nurture your self. Each of you is very good, even excellent, in giving to others what they need but it is now the time to daily do good to yourselves. This might seem like a chore at first and you will likely feel it is a silly waste of time but I assure you, Dear Ones, that it is crucial that you continue.

In order to live a magical life, you must BE the magic and you cannot BE the magic if you do not love and honor yourself first. A healthy love of self is required to create the life of your dreams. You must know and feel that you deserve the best life yet. You must also start on that path and get out of waiting mode, for it is yourselves that you have been waiting for, the divine within you is experiencing life as YOU! You have all the resources you need within you and this need to be tapped into. This will require daily periods of quiet stillness so that you can connect to your core essence. Even five minutes spent in stillness and meditation will reap many benefits for you and this practice will also raise your frequency level which needs to be maintained and sustained so that you can move to an even higher level.

There is always reward from the universe for sustained focus and commitment on a daily basis. As you flourish in every facet of your life, the gap between cause and effect diminishes and the flow of joyous events in your life become manifest through the magic that you embody. As you let your former limitations drop away you release yet another area that allows greater life force to fill you, nourish you and sustain you. In this ongoing releasing and cleansing process, you allow your Higher Self, your Soul, to become a more powerful influence within you and your daily life begins to radiate your true brilliance in all aspects of it. This turn of events brings more gratitude and praise, more heartfelt enthusiasm and passion to well up within you and soon you will find yourselves in a state of continual joy and bliss.

The high spirits you experience will encourage you to stay on this path and the thought of going back to lower density will be totally repugnant to you. It will also allow a powerful and joyful creative energy to fill you and work through you. The gifts you have carried within your DNA are activated and turned on and you begin to share your gifts with others around you. You gain a clarity of mind that is attuned to the promptings within your heart and you know always the right thing for you to do. These are some of the initial openings that are now occurring and they will lead to even greater abilities as they are processed. Expect the highest outcome in all that you do and most important of all, BELIEVE in yourselves.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.


Beloved Ones,

The people of the Earth are all in the process of transformation on every level. Human life as they have known it is changing and from those changes comes ways of living that will be far better for everyone. It is not an easy time during this process and so there is a need for faith in the vision of a better world for all. Certainly the outer world does not reflect the higher vision during these times as it goes through the changes but it is already a template on the higher planes of life. This is where all changes begin and then work their way into the physical. Humanity as a whole has chosen the changes that are occurring and some changes happen suddenly and others will take a longer period of time. Patience is needed for those of you who have been doing the work for many years.

For those who are in the process of interfacing with their higher aspects, the task is to become their higher aspects. All that is not of the highest expression within each individual is now making its way to the surface to be acknowledged, learned from, blessed and released. As one is freed of long hidden aspects of oneself that lived in one’s very cells, it is important to practice forgiveness of self and all others with whom you have had interactions in the totality of your life during this lifetime and any others whose memory may surface during this process. After sincere forgiveness comes a replenishment of more light into one’s cells, and to maintain this light one then becomes a person who constantly blesses all people and all situations that may arise. It is in this practice that greater connection with one’s higher aspects takes place.

On the road to mastery, one learns to practice being the Creators ambassadors in every thought, action and deed. One becomes unconditionally loving of all life around them. There is no longer any room for the secret thoughts and judgements within each person’s mind as they interact with others. One must become an open book, honest and transparent in all interactions with others. This is, during these times, a difficult challenge for each one of you who are on the path so it requires wisdom and discernment in your dealings with others. Release all that you can and let discernment be your guide during times that bring tests. Let love and blessing be your constant refrain within your thought processes. This is how we who ascended became free of the lower influences that surrounded us.

We also lived our daily lives away from others so that we could become the masters of ourselves. Those who are reading this do not have this option. Most of you have already gained this mastery in other places and lifetimes so you have the capacity within you to walk the ways of this world and not be of it, however, it requires constant vigilance and discipline. Do not give up on this process because those around you choose to act in ways that are not expressions of the divine. Bless, bless, bless everything and everyone around you in your thoughts. This is your work in the now moments and you can do it, you have the capacity to do this.

Continue to find time to do nice things for yourselves, listen to uplifting music, treat yourself to a lovely dessert from time to time, take long walks in nature, celebrate every little victory you have made as you take the next steps on your journey. There is much beauty around you and by tuning into this beauty and feeling the sublime joy, appreciation and gratitude within your hearts and minds for these moments, you help to anchor those feelings on your planet. Such is the nature of your work , wonderful, isn’t it?

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

HILARION March 16-23, 2014

Beloved Ones,

The times you are living in now contains all the elements that could possibly be found in a world of duality. For those of you who have been focused on rising above the fray and fall out of the dying paradigm, it may seem that the world has gone mad and only chaos rules the day. Please keep in mind that these are the end times spoken of before and that those who have been wielding power over the masses are desperately trying to continue to instill fear within the hearts of humanity so that they can be controlled. The good news is that the majority of the world’s people are not buying into those old programs of belief. They are simply going on with their lives and working toward their own goals and not giving any credence to the happenings that are seemingly about to overwhelm the world. They are seeing that it is only the world as seen through the lens of the entertainment news industry.

The people themselves are hungry for change and wish to thrive in their experience of incarnation in a human body. They want to reconnect to the natural elements in the foods they eat, the environment they live in and the other inhabitants who share this world with them. Because of the easy access to the technology and information that is readily available, each person can simply go online and do searches to discover the information that helps them move forward in their understanding of a given subject. It takes but a few moments to see that what is being touted on the entertainment news channels is nothing new or different. It is simply another version of the formula of create a problem, create the reaction and then provide the solution that they wanted to implement in the first place. When people understand what is at play, they simply move on and do not give their energy and attention to it and this is what is happening now.

The majority of the people in the world are peaceful and simply want to live a peaceful life. In many parts of the world, people are standing together to make their statements to those who are supposed to be serving them and it is in these situations that the powers that be bring in their own elements to make it seem that the protesters are out of control and must be subjugated in order for order to be restored. This scenario plays out in most public gatherings of people throughout the planet who are peacefully standing for change and it is part of the repertoire of those who are in power. It requires a dedication from those who stand for change, to desire to stand in peace while making a statement and it has become important for these people to not be in reaction to those elements who try to make the whole gathering look violent. It requires awareness and discernment on the part of the peaceful protesters. It requires huge self control of every member of the peaceful gathering.

As the energies from the cosmos continue to flood the planet, humanity as a whole is being awakened into remembrance of their right to live their lives in peace and sovereignty. By integrating the greater light in the higher frequencies that surrounds them, they are opened to new perspectives that were not seen nor recognized before. The Light is the revolutionary catalyst that is bringing the changes that all have desired to see in their world. It is not easy for humanity when the changes within them first begin to take place and this is now happening with regular occurrence. The Light brings an ending to the comfortable illusions that were woven into everyday living here on this planet. The Light requires a readjustment in one’s perceptions. The Light begins to open up avenues of conduct that brings greater light to all.

This is the task before humanity now. To awaken and realize that they, individually and collectively, carry more power than they realized they held within them and then to begin to make conscious choices to move into a more refined way of living that honors all inhabitants on this world as the sovereign beings that they truly are. To honor the light that is an inherent spark within that is their connection with the Divine. To create a world where there is true equality for all its inhabitants and where their home planet is recognized as a conscious sentient Divine being who is part of a greater network of worlds beyond and to work diligently to restore Her to her former glory in every thought, word and action so that their world can rejoin the rest of the universe as an honored member of a vast system of worlds who work together in peace and harmony.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credits, copyright and websites are included.

Manifestation, The Art of

January 12-19, 2014

Beloved Ones,

The times that are before you are filled with energies of new beginnings and this creates a feeling of anticipation while at the same time needing to bring completion to all outstanding issues, and there is a sense of waiting in a void between two worlds. It is a strange time for those of you who have been earnestly working to align with the higher aspects of your self, for you know the work is in completion yet you find that the way forward is hazy and undefined. This is because you are creating your world as you move through each day and you are not used to consciously creating. This feeling will pass and is temporary in nature, all that is required is a willingness to be fully present in each moment and integrating this new idea of yourself. Conscious creation is the next step in your spiritual evolution and requires more attention from you.

Create a plan for what you wish to create and experience in your personal world. Make a list of what this might look like for you including feeling the emotions of having what you want, seeing yourselves having the experience with a sense of exhilaration and well being. Visualize every detail as much as you can as often as you can. Then when you feel it is complete, release it to the universe and know that it is manifesting for you. This method is best employed at the times of the new moon phases to begin your creation, working on visualizing and owning it until the full moon phase at which time you release it to the universe knowing it will become manifest in divine timing for you. You are becoming conscious creators in your everyday world. Some of you may need to maintain this practice until it becomes easier for you. Remember that nothing that is just started comes instantly but with greater practice and training, you will become proficient.

Those of you who have pulled back in the last year are now ready to move forward once again. You are receiving your second wind, as they say, and will find yourselves beginning your work on self mastery with renewal and great enthusiasm. This time, the way forward will be much easier than ever before. You will be filled with a sense of higher purpose and many of you will come to a conscious realization of your part in the divine plan. You will also begin to see how perfect each experience you have endured on your journey to this point has helped to bring you to a feeling of confidence and personal sense of your own power. Every experience had its own gift to give you and now you can utilize what you have gained and learned with more understanding and proficiency for the benefit of yourselves and others around you. You have been enriched with a greater sense of your own magnificence and capabilities.

It is important to treat yourselves with greater kindness within your thought processes and remember that all that you have experienced in your life is what your soul desired to partake of in order to bring you to a greater sense of mastery. This is now where you stand on your journey. Celebrate this accomplishment by rewarding yourselves with some action or item of significance to you. Let it be something that brings you great joy and helps you to remember how far you have come on your path of initiation into higher consciousness and understanding. And we ask that you celebrate the moments as they unfold for you, for it helps to keep your frequency level in tune with the ever increasing energies that flow through the atmosphere to flood the planet without ceasing.

Connect each day to the Earth and stay grounded. Eat foods that impart the higher frequencies into every cell in your ever transforming bodies. Affirm each day that you are an eternal powerful being who can stop the process of aging and renew yourselves on every level. Thoughts and intention are the things that bring the reality into your experience. Write your intentions down and repeat them every day, ideally at the beginning of your day but what is most important is your consistent persistence. You are creating your new reality by this practice and every day is a new fresh start. Fill it with the most positive and benevolent intentions for yourselves, your loved ones, your community and your entire planet. Love is the answer in all situations and this is becoming more noticeable in your personal world.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

2014 – Calm in the Storm as it Rages in the World Around You


December 29, 2013 – January 4, 2014

Beloved Ones,

There are many people upon the planet at this time that have been and will continue to, look deeply within themselves so that they may face every hidden aspect of their beings; to squarely and truthfully, without denial, accept and love all aspects of themselves. It is their willingness to confront that which has abided within them in order to balance, harmonize and come to resolution which now assists each person to become whole and this will facilitate a deep feeling of peace and contentment in all that they do and will bring joy and happiness in their outer lives. The adage ‘as above, so below’ will begin to be understood within their hearts, for the outer world always reflects that which lives within.

Many souls have been undergoing rigorous attempts to balance the mental and emotional aspects of their selves, knowing that there is no fullness of entry into a higher dimension until they are clear and clean of the lower dimensional thought patterns and beliefs. This has been challenging, to say the least, for many of you. I bring good news to those of you who have been experiencing this dilemma. As the planet is purging and cleansing ages old density, and earth and weather changes take place, it is becoming much easier to maintain equilibrium and so the energies are now helping each of you to release and let go of the stubborn old thought patterns and old emotional patterns that have been holding you hostage for a long length of time. Each person will welcome this assistance and will find it much easier to stay balanced within and without.

It is important to continue to practice grounding your energetic roots into the crystalline diamond core of the Earth each day, for this is necessary so that you can be fully incarnate here on Earth with all the higher aspects of your multidimensional Being. Set the intention to align with your Higher Self and Divine Monad each morning and practice giving love to self for several moments with affirmations such as “I AM now merged into the highest octave of my Self that is possible at this moment” and “I AM a pure vessel of the Divine Spirit”. Remind yourselves often that you are a being of Light and of Love who chose to come to this planet during these times to help anchor the cosmic Light into the crystalline core of the Earth. This is immensely important to Mother Earth for it helps balance her energies and helps to expand the Light within her.

By doing this work each day, you are helping the Earth to birth into the shining Star that is her destiny and assisting the whole of humanity to be raised to a higher frequency. This is not to say that chaos and disorder will immediately cease to exist but by doing this work and maintaining your higher vision for the Earth and all of her inhabitants, you are the calm in the storm as it rages in the world around you. Your peacefulness will have its effect in the world surrounding you. Through these preceding years you have all been doing work upon yourselves and now you are beginning to realize that by doing so, you have been placing yourselves into positions of leadership as an adept who can wield energy in powerful and mighty ways.

This of course, brings with it, mighty responsibility and we are confident and you should be too, that you have passed through this initiation with flying colors. If you are reading this message, you are one who is proven worthy and capable of taking on greater responsibility. Now it becomes easier to stay in clarity of the higher purpose for your presence here on Earth. We, your brothers, sisters and colleagues, walk with you as you take up the reins of your new identity. Well done, Beloved Ones. Be in peace.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website links are included.