Awakening, is it Just pie in the Sky?

Here in the spiritual realms we are all deeply indebted to you for your ongoing and frequently exhausting Earth journeys as you work non-stop (yes, you do really work non-stop, waking, sleeping, and dreaming) to bring your brothers and sisters to awakening by constantly sending them Love. What you are doing, and achieving, is quite amazing. Each of your individual functions and contributions in this ongoing awakening process is essential to it; without your combined collective intentions and efforts it would not happen.

Do not let the fact that for the most part you do not get any sense of the importance and significance of what you are doing, or of our presence among you assisting you, worry you or cause you anxiety, because what you are doing is enormously powerful and effective, and only you can do it. And of course when you awaken what you have brought about will be there in plain sight for you to see, acknowledge, and probably marvel at. You are, and always will be greatly honored for your Earth journeys, where for most of the time it has seemed to you that you are struggling unsupported in a task that is way beyond your capabilities. It is not! And you are bringing it rapidly to a state of fulfillment.

The task you chose to embark on for this particular earth life has been very difficult for many of you, and before you chose to do it you knew that this would be the case, but, with the help of wisdom, advice, and mentoring from your spiritual guides you planned most carefully to ensure that it would be well within your capabilities. You knew that it would be hard because you would be unable to remember any details of your pre-planning and consequently each moment would arrive, as it were, unannounced, presenting you with surprises and choices that were often unappealing. However, you also knew that you could not fail because of the divine field of Love enveloping you and supporting you in every moment. There truly are no accidents, every thing that occurs is part of a larger plan to provide all involved with the lessons that they wish to learn and thus bring them firmly and steadily forwards towards their awakening. And that awakening is most definitely a done deal, nothing can prevent it.

As you cope with your individual doubts, worries, anxieties, and suffering remind yourselves frequently that you are divinely supported in every moment, that you are continually making sterling progress, just as intended, and that the secret of finding peace as you follow this demanding earthly path is to surrender to each moment as it occurs.

Do not look back at opportunities apparently missed. They are gone, over, finished with, and all that you need to do now is address this present moment. If it seems to you that you have made one or several ghastly errors, focus on the fact that each one them can teach you something very important or has already done so, and rejoice that you have grown from the experience, because you undoubtedly have, even if it is not immediately apparent to you. It can be helpful to recall, very briefly without dwelling there, errors you have seemingly made that later resulted in an unexpected improvement in your life or your situation. None of you have made errors from which no lessons have been learned nor benefits obtained, you just need to let go of the egoic need to not make mistakes and the consequential need to castigate yourselves when you do so.

As humans living the illusion you cannot see the way ahead clearly, and errors are therefore going to be made, so be kind, forgive yourselves (and others!), and move on. You can learn enormous amounts in moments if you live in the moment, instead of dwelling on and regretting the past and anxiously worrying about what the future holds for you. You planned the life path you are experiencing with great forethought to enable you to learn the lessons with which it would present you. You knew it would not be a rose garden, and it is unhelpful to look at the apparently happier life experiences that others are undergoing and feel that therefore you are being unfairly treated by life. The path you are experiencing and following is the most appropriate one for you, and you can have absolutely no idea of the suffering and pain others have undergone that have led them to where they are.

Your human life path is a journey of great importance and significance that is mostly hidden from you, and so it is very easy for you to view another’s path with yearning and envy because it seems to offer them all that you wish for. And that, of course, can seem very unfair, especially if it appears to you that they are not truly appreciative of their good fortune. This is one of the reasons that you are constantly reminded not to judge, because you can have no idea what it is that you are judging as you see only the surface of something that is amazingly deep, and therefore hidden from your view.

No one’s human life path is easy. It may often appear to you that others have a very good life, are perhaps spoilt, are in fact having a life of ease and luxury that you envy and that they do not deserve. But this is never the case, every life path offers precisely what is needed in the moment. No one has been cheated into following a path unsuited to them, or given one that offers them unfair advantages over anyone else. Everyone’s path is perfect for them, and for them alone.

So when you are feeling down, hard done by, alone, and unappreciated go within. Within you have instant access to your guides and to the Love that our Father offers every one of us constantly. Focus your attention on the inner knowing that each one of you has confirming that you are an irreplaceable and absolutely essential aspect of your Source. Disregard any adverse judgments that you believe others are making of you, and let go of any adverse judgments you hold against yourselves, because none of them are valid. You are, and always will be, a dearly loved child of God, a perfect aspect of Him that has chosen to undergo a very difficult experience to assist in bringing all His children to awakening. And for that you are highly honored, because to be a human is to take on an incredibly difficult task . . . and to succeed!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

The Reality of the Oneness of all of creation is finally dawning on humanity, as is the importance of working harmoniously, creatively, and cooperatively together to heal yourselves from all the suffering that you have inflicted on each other, and to enable you to start healing and repairing the damage that you have collectively caused Planet Earth. This growing and essential awareness is an excellent reason to celebrate because it indicates that over the eons much has been learnt and that from those lessons wisdom is growing. Congratulations! From here you can only move forwards because you have learnt far too much to allow yourselves to slip backwards into the unconcern and disrespect for one another and for your beautiful planet that has for eons been the norm of human behavior.

You are definitely leaving sleep and unrealistic dreams behind as your awareness of your divine connectedness comes more fully into your conscious minds. You are One with God, your eternal Source of being, and as your awareness of this divine and undeniable truth intensifies your ability to forget, to switch off to your true nature weakens and fades from view. You are becoming consciously accountable, you are becoming aware of your responsibilities, you are realizing that the environment in which you are presently experiencing life, consciousness, is something that you yourselves are building and maintaining in every moment. You are becoming aware that you are not the victims of others, of circumstances, or of God, but that what you experience is a conscious choice that you have made so that you will undergo and engage with the lessons that you know that you need to learn to move forwards on your spiritual paths.

All your paths are spiritual ones, wisely chosen to ensure that you experience the lessons that you have each decided – with the help and guidance of the unsurpassed wisdom of your spiritual guides and mentors – that you need to learn. Realizing that you are not victims of your environment, of others’ nefarious decisions to crush or betray you, or of God’s judgment upon you, enables you to move forwards on your paths to enlightenment, to awakening, with the necessary enthusiasm and confidence to ensure that you reach your destination.

For eons you have been apparently trapped in an endless cycle of repetitious and intensely painful experiences over which it has seemed that you had no control. You were, it seemed to you, at “the mercy of the gods!” – earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, other peoples wars, betrayals and catastrophes. Now you are seeing that what happens is as a result of your own beliefs, attitudes, actions, and behaviors. Realizing this enables you to change the environment that you experience, and the situations in which you find yourselves “inadvertently” involved, by changing your expectations.

None of your experiences are inadvertent. Everything that happens to you has a far deeper meaning than you can understand or access as human beings with your severely limited intelligence and your equally limited underlying wisdom – if it can even be called wisdom! You chose, for very good reasons, reasons that were perfectly clear to you prior to your individual incarnations, to undergo a variety of experiences as humans in the limited environment that you constructed for yourselves. And you have learnt lessons of incredible value as you have struggled with this worldly environment and the limitations that your physical bodies and their intrinsic energy fields, by their very nature, have imposed upon you.

Your true nature, the nature to which you are inextricably and eternally connected is Love, Godliness, Oneness with your Source. You can pretend, as you have been doing for eons in the time driven illusion in which you experience life as humans, that you are alone, individual, disconnected from the Source of all existence, abandoned, betrayed and basically unreal – chemical reactions in an inanimate and forever unchanging and basically unliving, in fact dead and unconscious universe.

However, you are in fact moving permanently away from that unreal and unsupported belief, that fearful state of mistrust, as Love floods your apparently tiny and individual worlds – where it has seemed that you are, each one of you, small and insignificant beings at the center of an incredibly large and threatening universe which is constantly striving to crush and destroy you. It is unrelentingly encouraging you to open to the possibility that you are far, far more than your bodily reflections in the mirror suggest. And of course what Love is suggesting to you, is indeed offering to you, is Reality as a replacement for the threatening and illusory environment in which you are presently experiencing very unsatisfactory, terrifying and exhausting lives that have nothing to offer as a reward for living honestly except death! What an unrealistic outcome or finale to a life spent struggling with such unrelieved hardship and woes.

Go within, find that quiet, spacious, and welcoming inner sanctum that you all possess, ask for help, Love, and guidance, and start to awaken into the understanding of your divine and eternal nature. As you do so your fears and anxieties will dissolve, being unreal, and you will start to experience an awareness of your divinity that will bring you an abundance of joy as you once more connect with the spiritual realms, where you live always at one with God.

With so very much love, Saul.

Here in the spiritual realms all is ready for your awakening. On Earth you could expect a feast, fireworks, and great music to celebrate a momentous occasion such as this, except such an occasion has never before occurred. What we have prepared to greet your arrival is far, far grander than anything you have ever experienced or even dreamed of during any of your earthly lives. You will all experience an absolute abundance of amazing enjoyments as we rise to greet you and offer you presents chosen specifically to resonate with your most deeply cherished individual desires.

Yes, all are One, but within that Oneness there are numerous individual aspects that enhance and entrance the One through their infinite selection of creative talents and possibilities. It is for each of those individual aspects of the One – each one of you – that these gifts have been most carefully chosen for their incomparable suitability. There will be no disappointments! All will receive gifts that absolutely amaze and delight them.

After all these apparent eons of pain, suffering, and betrayal the only appropriate reward, appreciation, or compensation that could in any way undo the ostensible damage inflicted, or bring into harmony and accord those who it seems have been relentlessly at war with each other for eons, will be the peace, the acceptance, the love, the awareness and the utter joy of the realization that it has all been unreal, an ongoing but unreal dream that has come to an end. The distrust, confusion, and resulting chaos of the illusion are finally over, finished, terminated, and Love, your true nature, now flows freely, constantly, and abundantly among you all who are and always will be God’s beloved children. You will realize the truth of your Oneness, your inseparability, as the Source field, Love, connects you in a harmonious and eternal concatenation of links that bring you together in joyous and everlasting communion.

God’s Will for you, for every single one of his beloved children, is eternal joy, and so He created that state and placed you within it. You chose to leave and set up an alternate environment, an illusory one, where you could play at being independent individual beings who could provide easily and instantly for all your desires. Those desires became needs – in Reality there are no needs, everything you could ever desire is instantly yours – needs that you could no longer satisfy because you had detached yourselves from the energy field of creation, from your Source. Disappointment, rage, and fear replaced the experience of peace and harmony that God had created for you, and you engaged in conflict and deceit to try and steal from one another those things or items that you valued and did not have. And now you are in the last moments of that intense and unreal collective experience as you realize that none of your systems, organizations, or technologies as they now stand can resolve the conflicts and chaos that they appear to have generated everywhere on Earth.

You are ready for change, enormous change, because only enormous change can resolve the issues and problems that you have brought upon yourselves. And for enormous change to occur you need help from those in other realms who have themselves learned that Love, and only Love can bring the peace and tranquility that all truly desire. Until now that help was unavailable because it would have interfered with your freely chosen decision to “go it alone,” to sort out your issues and problems on your own without interference or assistance from God, or from any of the myriad other realms of His divine creation who were ready, willing, and able to help as soon as you to chose to ask.

You have finally made the collective decision to seek assistance from your wiser and elder brothers and sisters who have watched over you lovingly for eons waiting for the moment when you would seek their help. We have observed your pain, your suffering, your misery, but until now we have been powerless to help you because it was not your collective intent to be helped. That collective intent has changed, increasing numbers of you have called on us for assistance, and that assistance is now at hand.

When you make your regular visits to your quiet inner space from which you can reach out to us and into which we can pour our love for you, just open your hearts and release all the preconceptions that you may have as to what needs to be done to “turn the ship around.”

A very large number of your human cultural preconceptions, beliefs, and perceptions are far too prejudicial and inflexible to allow you to work harmoniously together for the good of all. But by opening your hearts to the divine field of Love that surrounds and envelops you, you allow the peace, the acceptance, and the forgiveness that flow from it to dissolve all the controversies and difficulties that have been dividing you against one another. You open yourselves to see with new eyes, and to engage with loving hearts so that all that has driven you apart into various warring factions is recognized as mere egoic nonsense, an insane need to be right and to prove others wrong.

What you will now discover, as you release all that egoic baggage, is that your aims are identical! You all desperately want to feel worthy, acceptable, and loved, and to know that you are – which is, of course, your natural and eternal state – but you thought that for that to happen you had to prove to yourselves and to God that you were better than others. You believed that there had to be winners and losers – and you were all terrified of being losers.

But your Father created only winners, and by opening your hearts to the Love that He constantly offers that will become increasingly apparent, and you will find yourselves most easily able to cooperate willingly, creatively, and harmoniously together as the differences and conflicting viewpoints that were always setting you against one another are seen to be completely unreal. You are all loving brothers and sisters, beloved children of God, who temporarily became lost and confused about your true status, and that sense of being lost, alone, even abandoned is dissolving rapidly as you once more become aware of who you truly are. There is absolutely no need for fear, doubt, or anxiety of any kind because soon you will awaken into everlasting joy as the brilliant Light of God’s eternal day bathes you in Its glorious Rays.

With so very much love, Saul.

Love connects you in a harmonious and eternal concatenation of links that bring you together in joyous and everlasting communion.

Message from Saul

by John Smallman

You can only be happy if you express your true nature

Ascension is the event to focus on, as it is a major part of your awakening process, and you are very close to it. Yes, you keep hearing that from numerous channels, but it is true, and you are bringing it into being by your collective intent, so do not allow disappointment with the apparent but unreal delays to cloud your vision, instead strengthen your intent and desire for its arrival, and make it happen, as indeed you are doing. If you could see and feel the Love we have for you your anxieties and doubts would just fall away, so do not forget to ask for a loving hug whenever you go within to listen to us, then relax into it, and you will feel it because you intend to. So often skepticism and doubt block the sense, the feeling, the knowing awareness that you could be experiencing of our Love for you if you would only open your hearts to receive It and bathe in the soothing balm in which we have enfolded you.

We shall keep reminding you of our Love for you because we wish to make it clear, as we have told you so many times, that Love is the answer to every issue, in every situation, Love is always the answer, period. There is nothing else. Love is everything that exists because our divine Source is Love.

True It has many forms but every one of them is unconditionally loving, accepting, compassionate and healing. All else, all that is not of Love, is illusory, which is why all else continually fails to deliver what you hope for and desire. To manifest your true wishes and desires be loving, always. Your true wishes and desires are loving. Those that are not loving are egoic and self-centered dreams of judgment, condemnation, and punishment, that you would like to impose on those with whom you disagree or whom you find unacceptable, thus destroying them. Mad fantasies indeed that should make it abundantly clear to you that you are not coming from Love, and consequently you are seeking something that is unreal, unachievable and in every aspect utterly unsatisfying for you.

Love is your nature, your true nature, anything unloving that you attempt to engage with or use for any purpose will always lead to dismay and disappointment because it is unreal. Anything you seem to achieve through unloving thoughts, words, or activities will turn to ash, to dust, because being unreal those things cannot last, and any satisfaction gained from their acquisition will be short-lived. Those who live unlovingly are forever seeking new joys, new experiences, new forms of satisfaction or happiness purely because those previously gained have failed to provide lasting satisfaction, have in fact failed to last and have become grave disappointments. Only loving ways bring lasting satisfaction, and if you are honest with yourselves you do know this.

By being loving in every situation in which you engage, mentally, emotionally, or physically you release all that is unreal thus enabling yourselves to see the Source in everyone instead of the damaged egoic aspect that is worn as a mask to hide what is real. You have done a good job of convincing yourselves that to be loving is dangerous and that doing so makes you dangerously vulnerable. But you also know from personal experience that when you act or engage from your true nature, lovingly and compassionately, you are instantly rewarded by feelings of satisfaction, contentment, and even joy. Love’s nature is to give, and not giving is extremely unnatural and leads to an experience of meaninglessness in your existence which you then have to hide from yourselves by denial or some other form of subterfuge because it is such a frightening prospect.

You can only be happy if you express your true nature through loving thoughts, words, and actions, but your egos keep trying to persuade you that to follow that path will lead to betrayal, because being loving lays you open to being taken advantage of and abused, and from that poverty must surely follow in both relationships and material well-being. And yet, when you let your egos guide you, you find little if any satisfaction because you are always expecting to be betrayed or taken for a fool and must therefore be extremely cautious in all situations. So by following your egos’ guidance to avoid betrayal you find yourselves expecting and fearing it almost constantly, and taking precautions to avoid being caught out or cheated. It is a vicious circle, an endless loop of fearful wariness that inhibits love, and it just does not work.
You have to be Love, which is what you are, and offer it constantly. Waiting to receive It from another does not work because that is in and of itself unloving behavior which always leads to disappointment. To receive Love offer It, nothing else works, ever. And deep within yourselves you know this, but the human life experience that you are engaged in so often shows you unreality – anger, resentment, bitterness – your defenses against all that you fear, and which are truly unreal. You can only come out from under the heavy blanket of fear by loving – others, and yourselves – there is no other way, which is what all the spiritual masters have been demonstrating to you for eons.
God, the Source of all that exists, is the divine field of energy from which and in which all arises, and that is pure unadulterated and infinite unconditional Love. When, you accept fear (either acknowledged or denied) as part of your lives you are choosing to shut out Love which is who you are, your divine and eternal nature bestowed on you by God at the moment of your creation. Fear is unreal, a figment of your imaginations, an aspect of the illusion which you have enthusiastically embraced because it seemed thrilling, and that, surely, is insane? Yet you continue to hold on to it as though it was the only reality, and against which you have to take protective measures.

You are all a part, an individualized aspect of your Source, God, your heavenly Father and divine Mother, because all is oneness. But you have allowed yourselves to become so beholden to the illusion and all its seemingly mysterious characteristics that it seems you are enslaved by it, trapped within it. Nothing could be further from the truth. You chose, every one of you choseto experience the fear and confusion of the illusion for lessons that you wished to learn quickly so that you could move forwards with your spiritual evolution as rapidly as possible. The downside of those choices was the seeming unshakable reality the illusion seems to present to you once you are within it. It seems to you that you are weak, defenseless, and insignificant beings in a vast and threatening environment in which you have to protect yourselves from the elements of extreme heat and cold in order to survive. And you are becoming increasingly aware, as your science stretches its vision and its understanding of the universe, of the incredibly narrow band of essential conditions that are required to enable your continuing but uncertain survival as humans in this enormous and inhospitable environment.

You were created in Love, as you know very well, by your loving Source whose Will for you is eternal joy and happiness. It is only by denying your awareness of His infinite Love for you that you could continue to convince yourselves that the illusion, with all the pain, suffering, and fear in which it apparently enfolds you, could be real. Deep within you know it is unreal, but until you make the choice to express and share Love in every moment, and actually do it, you will continue to find the illusion seemingly very real.

As humans embodied on the Earth plane it is very difficult for you to recognize this and live it constantly. Doubts and skepticism are very powerful aspects of the illusion that hold it together and confirm your fears, and it is those pillars of the illusion that you need to let go of. That is Faith in God, and the power of the various enticing and threatening aspects of the illusion just dissolve in the face of it. Go within daily, three or four times if possible, and reconfirm that Faith in God’s Love for you so that the illusion shows itself to you for what it is, an unreal environment in which confusion and chaos hide Reality from you, but only for so long as you choose to accept it as real.

You are all aspects of the Divine, eternally safe and lovingly embraced in the Presence of God. Open yourselves to the awareness of this and let the illusion collapse, crumble, and dissolve.

With so very much love, Saul.

Galactic Federation of Light Saul

You are on the cusp of enormous changes to the way you experience life, monumental changes that will inspire and uplift you, changes that have been planned since the moment of your apparent separation from your Source. You are always at one with Source, connected eternally to the creative force. Without that connection there would be no consciousness, no awareness, nothing, and that is impossible because the Source always is having had no beginning and being unending, It just is in all Its magnificence, eternally beyond time which is purely illusory. Its Love and Its Light shine on you in every moment determining and ensuring your eternal existence. You have just temporarily chosen to be unaware of It. And now awareness of that unawareness is seeping gently, irresistibly, and intriguingly into humanity’s consciousness, dissolving it.

The focus on the distractions of the illusion, and they are many, varied, and until now totally fascinating, is weakening as your fascination with them becomes stale, dull, boring. Instead your natural creative talents are being aroused and demanding your attention, which is how it should be because when they flow freely and spontaneously they bring you joy and satisfaction beyond measure. Your destiny is to create with God, you had forgotten this and have, for eons, been attempting to create without His loving guidance and encouragement. You have been attempting to go it alone, and by doing so you have placed incredible restrictions on your God-given talents and creative powers.

This lack has led you to watch the apparent success of others with increasing envy and dissatisfaction, while they, driven by the self-same feelings, watch you with equal dismay, the result is that you have been competing viciously, instead of cooperating harmoniously and lovingly, thus constantly leading yourselves furiously along the path of bitterness and resentment that you frequently blame on God!

But it is your path, you choose it and you re-establish it in every moment by your beliefs. Beliefs are very strong, however you always have the choice to change them, and to do so with the loving help of your guides, mentors, or angels will assist you in your awakening process. Talk to them, and LISTEN to them in your daily quiet times, it is essential for your well-being, and to dissolve the bitterness to which so many have become addicted.

You are all divine and beautiful aspects of the One and once you accept that, and know it again your egos will be subsumed and reintegrated into the totality that You are, and that is what they fear more than anything else. Once that happens they too will be blissfully content. What they fear is the unknown, and it is unknown to them because they did not arrive, basically as caricatures of who you really are, until after your illusory separation from your divine Source. They know that the separation was an error, a big mistake, but they do not know why and they fear retribution. If they had experienced the Source they would have no fear, they would know only Love. However, you created them for the purpose of the separation to establish limits on your knowing, on your awareness, and so for your egos there is this enormous sense of impending doom as death of the body looms before them, an inevitable, unavoidable, and terrifying aspect of humanity’s earthly embodiment.

When you believe yourselves to be only bodies with short, limited, and basically unsatisfactory lives, which you are always in danger of losing due to some personal or society-wide catastrophe, which is the picture that your egos present to you, you are effectively being press-ganged by your egos into striving to avoid the inevitable by whatever means you can imagine. One of the most obvious is by taking advantage of another’s misfortunes and attempting to offer them up instead of yourselves for the expected divine retribution. It is from that fear that human sacrifice was born. That fear remains and humans continue to sacrifice one another indiscriminately all over the world. On the whole it is not called sacrifice, but enlightened self-interest – the only one who is going to look after you is you yourself!

As Light bearers and wayshowers you are fully aware that there is a divine Being, a Source, God, Who is Love, and Who loves you unconditionally in every moment. You are presently embodied to bring the energies of Love to humanity by connecting with them and sharing them indiscriminately at all times. The numbers of you aware and doing this has grown exponentially over the last several decades and the results are evident in the vast increase in the compassionate attention being paid to basic human rights and the need to care for the impoverished, the sick, and the elderly. This is compassion in action, and as the field of Love in which it operates expands, more and more humans are linking together and starting to resolve these issues. Also, as a result of the increasing worldwide compassion, those who would ride callously rough-shod over others are finding themselves increasingly side-lined and no longer free to treat their fellow men with the disdain that has been endemic on this planet. A collective conscience has evolved which is setting to rights the wrongs that have for so long been accepted as normal behavior.

These are the uplifting signs that the New Age has indeed dawned. Love, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion are bursting forth in some of the most unexpected places, bringing hope and relief to those who had found themselves brought to hopelessness and despair by an inhuman machine that was built to suppress, control, and then discard them as worthless. That machine is collapsing, disintegrating, and being dismantled as the body politic discovers that humanity at large is no longer willing to sit quietly under that dismal and utterly unacceptable yoke of suppression.

The Light of God’s Love is spreading like wildfire across the planet, and It is inextinguishable. It embraces all in Its path, drawing them to Itself in tenderhearted and unconditional acceptance, demanding nothing and offering, as It always has, everything. Find that Love burning brightly within yourselves when you take your time out for prayer, relaxation, or meditation. It is the Life Force, and It is yours, invested permanently within you if you will but open your hearts to receive It. It will never, for any reason at all, be withdrawn, because It is your Father’s eternal gift to you.

With so very much love, Saul.

10/27/2013 by John Smallman