a new Realm of Sovereignty ahead

Groundnut seedling

13 Etznab, 1 Tzec, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with good news! The dark’s last faithful minions are now in a special summit with the followers of the Light. The arrogant and once all-powerful ones are negotiating the final terms of their global surrender. The dark cabal is already stripped of most of its wealth and the Light will transform their old regimes. The agreements reached in the summit will produce a final timetable for the making of a new realm – one that is free, prosperous and permits each person to be truly sovereign. The agreements will also detail how the leaders of the current “de facto” governments will resign. The new governance will put on a series of special trials to explain why various past events happened and how other events forged a new reality for humanity. This will help you to better understand the reasons behind the events of the day.

The rise of the new governance will uncloak the UFO cover up, and there will be a grand reordering of how humanity sees the universe. At that point, the Agarthans and we can appear and address the multitudes. Announcements are going to greatly change your financial outlook and your view of this world and humanity. Suddenly, you will enjoy a vast “jubilee” and realize a whole new branch of humanity has been added to your reality. You will find you are part of a vast migration across space that was previously hidden from you. Although this may shock you, the Ascended Masters will give you a number of special lessons, so you can understand how your ancient histories and philosophies were altered by the dark in order to control and manipulate you. Our part is to support those who will enable these grand changes to happen.

Your world is being put in a cocoon by the mainstream media who have the ability to weave webs of untruth that can seem real. The dark has long used these methods to control you, but a grand change is underway. The dark can no longer sustain itself. Its power is slipping as it loses full ownership of a number of financial instruments that were the basis of its power. These losses have been mounting daily and the dark was finally forced to literally barter for its life. As we said before, negotiations are setting forth the terms for their surrender and friendly military will assist our allies in enforcing the agreements. The legal system also contains those who have truly assisted in this most unlikely change, and we are happy to see that. These changes are merely the formal start of a process that is shortly to bring you to full consciousness. Those who will be in power in this new governance are ready and are in a secure place.

The Agarthans are working to ensure that our allies fully understand how this exchange of power will happen. In effect, we are reversing what so tragically occurred when you drifted into limited consciousness. In this sacred moment, you will reclaim all that you have lost. Because this operation is complex we need to follow exactly what Heaven decrees about these critical matters! The Ascended Masters have been most helpful in giving us the wisdom necessary to do this properly. This divine knowledge is at the very core of what is now happening. The coming events will uncover the misdirection put forth by your main media and begin a process so you can remember the old truths that brought us to your world. The histories to be released by the Agarthans will further help you to remember your ancient origins. The dark’s long spell will at last be broken and a new epoch for humanity will be born!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We now appear before you bringing interesting news. At present, there are a number of special meetings taking place to set up a final timetable for the switch to temporary new governance. This new governance will preside over the trials that will set aside those who long acted as the secret power behind the various de facto regimes that ruled your world for centuries. They will also establish rules and procedures to be adopted by newly elected de jure governments of your globe. These instruments of the Light are to transform the numerous beliefs and the very way in which these governances are to operate. This calls for each of you to accept full responsibility and to closely watch over how the powers given to them are used. You have been blessed by the sacred decrees of Heaven. Use what is given you most wisely!

The transformation of your world will give you prosperity and a chance to better understand the nature of who you truly are and the opportunity to become fully conscious Beings of Light. This is no small doing, but rather a great leap that is your birthright. Enjoy the journey that lies ahead. Much is asked of you and thus, you have great responsibilities to transform the surface of Gaia by returning her land, water and air to its previous pristine condition. This is a great undertaking. We are to come shortly and commence a series of divine conversations with you to reveal the “secrets of the ancients” first given each of us as we moved from limited to full consciousness. This “Enlightenment” is your destiny! Accept it with glee and be fully ready to apply it!

Together, we, the Beings who live upon this most gorgeous orb, are to take our beautiful goddess (Gaia) and transform her back into the living form she most enjoys. We need the people of this world to spread out into the other water worlds, so they can be transformed by the Elohim into the wondrous creations that they once were. Take in what you see and as fully conscious Beings do right by each one of them. We intend as your divine supervisors to assist you in completing your various duties. You are a most special group of humans and together we will form a unique star nation. Since the past millennia have not treated us well, we are to alter this past abuse and fulfill our magnificent destiny. We have Heaven and the Galactic Federation ready to assist. Nonetheless, it is our own abilities that will ensure our most grand success!

Today, we discussed what has happened around this globe. Many events are in play that will finally give you a means to transform this dark realm to the Light. We simply ask that you take this information and use it to gain a better perspective on what is now happening both to you and to the societies that make up this reality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

The only limitations are the ones you hold true within you


12th October 2013.

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood


“Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the High Council of Orion.

Let’s talk today about allowing yourself to thrive wherever you are in the here and now. And we say to you right now, not to limit your future, not to limit your vision in any way shape or form, but to understand that what you have in the moment, is all you have in the moment, and everything you have is in the moment.

The human condition is one of always striving and reaching out for more, and with that also comes a human condition part that becomes in a sense, eternally dissatisfied. Because there’s always something else out there, there’s always something else to strive for.

Today’s message isn’t one addressing the spiritual nature of that constant striving, today’s message is about, looking at your life from the point of view of “What if it doesn’t get any better than where you’re at right now?” Now that’s not said to create a limitation, but what if you say where you’re at right now, is the place that you are being asked to connect with your heart and thrive from.

If you have desires about a certain amount of income, about moving to a certain place, having a particular job, having the special relationship, having your body be a particular way, whatever it might be that isn’t part of your current reality. What if you decided that you are going to connect with your happiness, connect with your heart, connect with your joy, connect with feeling on top of the world, connect with the rightness of who you are and feeling completely okay with yourself, right here and now, because that is all you have right now. Also not create it as a limitation.

There are many on the planet right now who are holding themselves back because they’re waiting until…

I will be happy and loving myself when that right person comes along
I will be able to have the job I want if my body changes
If I do these five more things in my business development plan, then I will be successful
When I have X number of employees then I will be successful
What it’s doing is creating limitation on your ability, and your consciousness and your awareness to feel that you’ve arrived. What if the point you’re at right now is the point where “You Have Arrived!” And this is what it is, not from the point of view of, “Oh this is terrible, it’s not what I want, I’m dissatisfied!” But can you shift your perspective to say, “This is great!!” And be able to connect with all the reasons it is great, without the conditional energy.

The conditional energy of:

When I lose X amount of weight I’ll have the right person
When I get the right job and make the right amount of money, this will happen
That conditionality creates a constriction, and as you’ve been hearing within our messages recently, it’s very important in this time to become aware of and release constrictions. Where is it that you’re being conditional with yourself, in terms of your ability to feel right with yourself? Start drawing and bringing in that awareness of conditionality that you’ve self-imposed.

Catch yourself when you’re talking to yourself silently about, “when this happens then I will feel okay”, “when this other thing happens then I’ll be happy”, and bring your awareness to that of, why does it take that other thing to make you happy? For it’s not here, it’s not in your energy field, it’s not in your experience at the moment, and being in that conditionality it energetically creates a prison around you.

If you’re in that prison, then your keeping yourself from moving out and reaching out to what that is. We often talk about just bringing your awareness to energetic patterns because, from our point of view where we watch the energy, those of you who bring your awareness to things, as we draw your awareness to awareness. It starts to dissolve the constrictions.

Each one of you who connects with the awareness of the limitation and the constriction with the energy, as soon as you’ve connected with the awareness and look for the evidence of that in your life, and start shifting and changing and looking for a different point of view, and experiencing the shift that way. The energetic barriers dissolve, the energy starts flowing around you, and in your words and actions with others, it starts loosening up around them as well.

We encourage each one of you to look at the areas where you have conditioned, you have decided that the conditions of your happiness, your spirituality, your success on any level in your life, is a condition based on evidence and experiences that are not currently part of your reality.

If you are waiting, then what can you do to bring those experiences of rightness now, and of course for many of you those things will happen, but in the meantime you’ve allowed more energy of dissatisfaction, lack of self-esteem, feeling defeated, and all kinds of other things that have entered your energetic field, because that thing that you’ve conditioned your success on is not there.

We’ve also said so many times, what if that success or happiness comes just from who you are and how you’re experiencing life, regardless of whether it’s a different body weight or a different relationship or a different job, or a different housing situation or a different set of friends or whatever you want to say.

We encourage each and every one of you to be less conditional with yourself. Extend large amounts of un-conditionality to yourself, which is the ultimate form of unconditional love that you can extend to yourself, and as you do so, those heart energies dissolve boundaries,

And then you can live and experience your unlimited potential as the beautiful soul that each and every one of you are.

Be Blessed.

We are the High Council of Orion.”

© 2013 Copyright Soul Genesis
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to http://www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood http://www.AkashaHealingStudio.com

Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: if things do not seem to arrive then arise

by Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

With so very much Love and joy, I am Jeshua speaking for our collective of Masters and for the Company of Heaven overall. We continue to watch you go about your Earthly endeavors, and we encourage the expansion so many of you find yourselves undergoing as you subsequently greet purer understandings about yourselves and this beautiful Creation around you.

You’re gaining deeper glimpses into the spiritual realms, and as you do this you emit an energy; a frequency that reaches out to everyone around you and helps them find enlightenment in their own ways and in their own time. You’re helping so many others to become aware of the reality of their existence with your mere presence on the Earth, dear souls, and this is why we encourage your continual efforts to help your collective become aware.

In the midst of informing those around you about everything you’ve come to know and understand, it’s important not to overwhelm them with the brimming ideas and concepts we can feel so many of you are quite ready to express.

We can feel your readiness to help as many as possible become aware of the existence of the spiritual realms and your imminent evolution back into these realms, and we’ll continue to assist each of you who finds yourself undergoing specific endeavors for the Earth’s ascension.

Reaching Out
As your roles continue to expand, so will you find yourselves reaching others in the physical sense.

You’ve long been reaching those around you and so many others in the energetic and spiritual sense with your presence on the Earth, but you’re coming now to reach so many others in the physical sense as many of you desire to expand your roles and help awaken your populace.

Once an individual awakens on a lower-dimensional planet, they then take it upon themselves to help as many others as possible find the wondrous perceptions and understandings they’ve been able to find.

Each of you can step up to the plate and be the pioneers, prophets and heroes of your past you’ve heard so much about.

Plenty of individuals are already stepping up and challenging the status quo in massive ways, and we say with Love that you can be a part of the wave of pioneers challenging the established system and helping your world become aware that something lies beyond the concrete physical reality you’ve experienced for so long.

You can help everybody become aware of the reality that exists just beyond the spectrum of your conscious understanding, and you can help everyone attune to the pure frequencies so many of you are beginning to pick up on with grace as you find yourselves glimpsing the spiritual realms much more.

In the face of the Earthly distraction prevalent around you, we ask you to remain strong and clear in your goals and agendas.

We can’t express enough that you’re meant to be at the forefront of Creating change and introducing revolution for every soul on your Earth to be a part of, and if your populace chooses to, you can establish collective ruling bodies that act very far away from the corruption of your current.

You can establish a ruling body by and for the people, and build a planetary system that won’t see the perceived elites tower over the many. The many are meant to run your Earth and introduce every bit of change needed to get your society to a place of embracing ascension, and this takes us back to the readiness to enact change we can feel brimming in so many of you.

You can get Active
As always, there are myriad ways you can get active and use your voice, and with the power your internet provides it’s quite easy to make your voices heard on various different subjects and issues.

Your populace is steadily learning to come together to mend the problems that have run rampant on your Earth, and you can each aid in this coming together by advocating it in the public arena. Your voices are much stronger and more powerful than you’ve allowed yourselves to believe, and when you can come to realize the massive potential you possess to move mountains and build a new paradigm, you’ll see why humanity has been meant to arise and build it.

Humanity is meant to come together and breed unity the likes of which haven’t been seen in quite a while on your world, and beyond the developed countries that’ll need to enact change, smaller countries will be stepping up and Creating the changes needed for their societies to Live in peace and prosperity.

There’s so much for you to rediscover in the avenue of your deepening spiritual perceptions, and blissful states of consciousness await you to remember their prevalence around you.

Feel the existence of the pure Love encompassing you now as you absorb our communication and plug yourselves into the Universal conduit of allness/oneness. Feel yourselves exist as a part of the conscious heartbeat of Love and unity, and feel that there’s no separation between you and us or you and your neighbor despite the perceived differences between you that have been played upon.

Feel that the pains and toils of your Earth experience matter very little in this new state of consciousness you have the full ability to access. Feel and see the energies; the pure Light flowing all around you and inviting you to remember its existence.

Remember your status as the Creator of your experiences, and remember the importance of taking the higher-dimensional insight you gain and using it for the benefit of your collective. This is your moment, dear souls, and as a united awakened collective you’ll do much more good than we could express.

You can do, be and Build Anything
You’ll Create more change than we could possibly outline through any scribe, and while you’ll utilize the assistance we have and continue to happily give, we can foresee humanity excitedly taking the reins for the most part and building your future in the ways you’ve been predicted to build it.

This will involve utilizing much of the advanced technology you’ve so heard of, some of which will be given by us and your Galactic brethren and some declassified and put into production on your Earth, to help cleanse and mitigate pollution and clear your Earth of the widespread damage that’s been done on Her surface and in Earthly realms beyond the one you experience.

There will be so much for you to do indeed, but you’ll perform this work with the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve repaired your Earth and built a society far away from the destruction and pollution prevalent in the day and age you’re absorbing this communication.

Oh, the bliss and joy you’ll experience when fully reigniting that sacred spark that can never be put out. Your physical existence is nothing like you’ve been taught to believe, dear souls, and wonders that could only be described as metaphysical will remind you of the existence of what humans have referred to as “magic” for so long.

What you’ve seen as magic is really the sacred higher-dimensional power you each carry within, and with your unlocked abilities you are truly infinite and able to do, be and build anything you so desire.

From an enlightened standpoint, you’ll be able to run your Earth collectively without polluting or hurting Her or yourselves in any way. No longer will a nine-to-five job that one simply “gets through” hold any of you back from utilizing your potential and ability.

No longer will you exist in an illusion that keeps you far away from your understanding of the spiritual realms, and no longer will you be unable to use your strength for the good of the planet. You have so much to look forward to, dearest souls, and in the face of this we ask you to smile upon the Earthly pains and difficulties that continue to make their way to you.

They’re but fading whispers in a future that sees you completely independent and liberated, and we ask you to embrace your future and the things needing done in the Now to bring it about.

Equality in Running the Planet
Embrace the idea of widespread prosperity and abundance for all, and imagine every soul on your world coming together with infinite abundance and building the necessary organizations and ruling bodies for your Earth to be run in the proper manner.

In a world experiencing infinite abundance, every citizen is very easily able to have a hand in the decisions that are made. It’ll ultimately be up to humanity to see beyond your perceived differences and come together despite them, and beyond that I’ll be up to you to build a temporary ruling body that works for every soul and sees everyone able to have equal say in what’s done.

This is the manner in which planets are meant to be run, and while the freewill experience sees you build whatever you desire for yourselves we can say that the system we envision humanity building will be much more preferred than your current.

Humans are programmed to believe that the dense reality you’ve fed into and the subsequent system that keeps the few ahead of the many are the only things in existence and cannot be transcended to allow for something new or better to take their place.

This illusion is being broken in more awakening souls now, and souls all across your Earth who you wouldn’t perhaps expect to are awakening in their own unique ways. As they do, so do plenty of others begin using their voices and arising in the direct ways you’ve been meant to, and we can say with Love that the Earth’s evolution is on a full course to manifesting because of all of this.

Pay no attention to the negative news being given on your world stage, because it’s designed to distract humanity from understanding the real and positive changes that are afoot. Focus on the heightened energies you can feel and the positive change you can see manifesting in the public arena, and if things don’t seem to arrive at the pace you’d prefer then arise, dear spiritual seeker, and begin working toward your new paradigm.

Understand your infinite power and you’ll find yourselves quite easily able to utilize it. Let any presumptions about one’s own weakness fall away as you see that you don’t have to embody weakness and can embody the strength of a thousand men if you embrace it.

You possess more strength within than we could express, dear children, and this strength is meant to be used to peacefully uproot those who’ve sought to oppress humanity.

No Worthiness, Wealth or Status Required
You’ll hardly remember the actions of tyranny as you continue to embrace purer states of consciousness that’ll initiate you into greater understandings of Love and the positive qualities making up your existence, and while the necessity still exists to be diligent regarding your cabal, they possess nowhere near the range of ability they once did and are as well fading whispers in your new reality.

They’ll continue to make their last fighting breaths, but in the bigger picture none of their actions will matter because the Light will have awakened the minds and hearts of billions of souls.

Your cabal never anticipated your entire populace becoming aware, and have never believed it to be possible as they possess their own darkly-inclined spiritual beliefs regarding worthiness to enter greater states of consciousness.

There is no worthiness, wealth or status required to re-reach the higher dimensions; it simply takes the intention and effort of a motivated and dedicated spiritual seeker. The heightened energies you’re being given are much easier to access than they were even a century ago in your time, and we ask you to embrace your expanded ability to take in ever-purer amounts of higher-dimensional energy and insight.

We’ll continue to communicate with humanity through enthusiastic scribes, and so many scribes will soon flood your public arena that even if the wave of channels you’ve all become accustomed to suddenly disappeared, they’d be replaced nearly instantly with a new wave who’d continue to bring our communications through.

We can anticipate many who are currently involved in channeling our energies to themselves expand their roles and help encourage and support many more potential channels, and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we remind you that your present can be just as great as you’ve been told your future can be.

You can Create infinite happiness, wholeness and bliss in yourselves in this and every moment, and when darkness or difficulty creeps up we reiterate the importance of understanding that it has no more hold over you. You’re Divine beings with the sovereign choice as to what you choose to do for the Earth’s ascension, and in this new era there’s much waiting to be done.

Thank you to Jeshua and the Ascended Masters.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

change begins with You…

by Anna Merkaba

Dearly beloved children of the universe we come to you now at the time of the Renaissance. The renaissance of the NEW ERA. The renaissance of your hearts and souls, for as you stand at the brinks of the new earth, you find yourself ready to take a step forward and yet there is a part of you that wishes to take a step back. Jolting you into a dance of doubt and flight. As you reach into your soul to release the fear and doubt, you get ready for takeoff, and takeoff you shall! The time has come to put everything that you have learnt thus far to action.

Magenta the color of the emotional freedom and universal harmony generating love, compassion, cooperation and harmony. Magenta the color that your skies are being tainted with by us to assist you. Magenta the color of FREEDOM and infinite possibilities. Magenta the color of the new Renaissance Phase.

As you gaze upon the wonders of the new creations, you connect with your true selves in order to investigate and delve further into your own truth. And as your own truth comes up for contemplations by your human mind, the human ego is surely to raise its head and convince you that which you feel within your heart is false. Oh but it surely is not, for you heart is the place where your soul dwells, your heart is the place hereunto which you ascend when you descend from the heavens, and from which you ascend into the gloriousness of the vast universe.

And as you stand barefoot at the threshold of the new beginnings of the universal truth, you see the upheavals taking place and you wonder, if you have finally arrived, for how could it be that there is still so much damage, so much pain, and so much suffering around your beloved GAIA. And then, you connect with your own self and you remember that indeed it is true, for you have seen it all before, for you have come into this forsaken place, in order to restore the flow of life.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloved ones is that the time has come for you to start acting upon your revelations, acting upon your intuition, acting upon what your HEART is telling you to do, and to STOP waiting for the transformation of your beloved planet, for the transformation begins and ends with YOU.

Please understand that what the planet as a whole is going through is simply a transformation a transition, and albeit the changes that indeed have occurred, and notwithstanding the fact that there is NO TIME, for your HUMAN MIND, the changes appear to be slight, slow and nonexistent because it remains in the matrix of time and space, and so it takes TIME, time which does not exist. A paradox and a perplexing reality for your human mind to ponder indeed.

Dearly beloved ones, it is indeed true that from hereon out nothing can possibly stand in the way of humanity’s entrance into the new era, the remnants of the EGO self must be dealt with as echo will remain until such time when every single one of the souls that dwells in your world, will finally fully and truly comprehend that the BALANCE within ONESELF must be RESTORED.

And so, if you look into your skies you will see the color of Magenta tinting your sky, the color of life force the color of free spirit, release of the old and outdated patterns, the color of growth and personal development, the color of energetic pathways, the color of ETERNAL BLISS. The color through which at this very moment you are to discover the road to YOUR OWN SELF.

What we are trying to disclose to you dearly beloveds is that there is no need for you to wait until every single soul on earth finds his way, for IT IS UP TO YOU TO CREATE THE TYPE OF REALITY THAT YOU WISH UPON YOURSELVES. And once you do so, once you show your nearest an dearest that the brave step that you took in the direction for your own self and your dreams has indeed bore fruits of splendor and plenty, it is then that you will influence them to follow suit. For you must understand that changing another is simply IMPOSSIBLE!!!! For there exists free will in your world, for all of you are masters of your own domains, for you all have com into this world in order to explore, learn and move into the desired realms for your being.

For let us explain this to you so that you may fully understand the reasons for the ascension and to truly understand that you are not to wait for the external changes, for all is, was and will be within YOU. For YOU are the only UNIVERSE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO ASCEND TO! For the point of all of this is for you to realize who you are, for you to finally find the doorway out of the labyrinth that you have placed yourselves into, and for you to assist the rest of humanity to do the same, for you have come here to liberate yourselves and your fellow brothers and sisters from the WHEEL OF KARMA, FROM THE VEIL OF FORGETEFULNESS.

The doorway is there, it is shining all sorts of colors for you, you can sense it, you can see it with your mind’s eye, and yet.. and yet your EGO is holding you back, it is holding you back from discovering that YOU… YOU.. YOU ARE.. the powerful ONE, that YOU are the ONE that you have come into this world to find, that it is you whom you have come to liberate from the shackles of time, from the karmic wheel of existence.

For only in the physical form are you able to release your karma, and by that we mean to find the BALANCE within and to finally truly and completely understand that there is no one that you are to fight with, there is no one that you are to understand but your OWN SELF. And you find yourself on the journey to your true power, to the understanding that there are no enemies, for all whom you meet are indeed your dearly beloved friends. And so and in light of this, we say onto you once again, FORGIVE, LET GO AND ALLOW the new energies of your soul to enter your heart space.

NOW is the time for you to move away from the fear, based on disinformation that is being fed into your ego systems. Understand that you are not to fight your ego, but to embrace it and find the balance within,. For that.. THAT IS THE ULITMEATE REASON FOR YOUR BEING HERE!!!! And once you realized that it is so, and once you finally understand how to balance out your own emotional states with those of another.. once you realize that you are to balance out your EGO and your GODLY self.. it is then that you will find the BLISS, it is then that you will find the MAGIC.. that you already have within YOU.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Metatron & The 33rd Dimension – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Ready to Become Light Body

Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle October-01-2013

Dratzo! We return with more news. You world is now in a bit of a pickle. As your new reality begins to take root in amongst the old dysfunctional structures, a situation is created which throws up strange dichotomies. Many new elements are in place but not yet operational, and so neither the old nor the new reality is fully functioning. Naturally, the dark cabal is busily seeking to profit from this hiatus by pushing ahead with its plans to foment delays wherever possible, although it knows from experience that these are all doomed to failure. What it refuses to take into account is Heaven’s timetable for the changes on planet Earth, which was set up to ensure adherence to the divine plan. And indeed, our liaisons have spent the last week informing the cabal leadership groups of this fact. We have been instructed by the local spiritual hierarchy to intervene heavily when the divine signal is finally given. Until then we are to help as much as possible and prepare for what we believe will be a massive intervention by our personnel. At present there remain a few bottlenecks here and there but these are very close to resolution. Once done, all that we have been discussing can be completed.

Let us briefly recap what has been accomplished so far. One of the principles of the coming changes is the transformation in the way the global banking and monetary systems are to operate. Our Earth allies have produced a total reform of what money is to be used for, and how it is to be distributed. Naturally, this affects the banking system and the constitution of its banks. These new monetary and banking policies are approved, in place, and are being kept under wraps until conditions are ready for them to be applied. The dark knows full well how this will effectively undermine their positions in both banking and the various trading bourses around the globe and recognizes the ruination of its fortunes that will ensue. There are also the escalating numbers of arrest which are decimating their personnel. Everything is ready to tumble out of their grasp, leaving these dark ones without the resources they have always expected to possess. What frightens them the most, however, is the thought that most of them face arrest and punitive time in special-security prisons.

And so we are at a crossroads. The next stage prescribed by Heaven is not yet fully manifested, yet many aspects are declared and are legally in effect. Nonetheless, the dark are treating these elements as if they don’t exist, and this is what we are talking about: a weird suspension of logical perception which often predominates before a changeover is completed. The agreed-upon, partially implemented new regulations are floating as if invisible. This status will change once the new governance is declared, and until then, a sort of interregnum will prevail. Once the changeover is completed, it will promote your freedom and the return of your natural personal sovereignty. The dark cabal is truly on the skids and increasingly afraid of how quickly its wriggle-room is vanishing and how precarious its position really is. Our focus is upon resolving this current stalemate and allowing our allies to achieve their victory. Then we can officially lay bare the ‘UFO’ cover-up and begin a most useful series of talks and interactions between us.

This coming transformation of the UFO cover-up will be a time when we can finally and openly come forward to meet you face to face. We wish to talk frankly about our long, mutual history, and the same applies to the Agarthans. These revelations will be a great boost to, and will lay the foundations for, your swift rise in consciousness, culminating in the final leap into full consciousness. Many intellectuals on your world have described what your global society is facing as “childhood’s end”: a time for growing up and accepting adult, or conscious, responsibilities, and this is indeed what your society is about to go through. Your space and spiritual families are ready to assist in your graduation into a mature and fully conscious society, one which is destined to grow rapidly and forge a solar-system-wide star-nation. We are greatly looking forward to inaugurating this new star-nation into the Galactic Federation of Light, at which point another aspect of your destiny will be to seal the galactic peace by raising the galaxy to its highest conscious state. You are to be most honored for your talents and your remarkable deeds.

Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! A new reality is being born even now as we discuss some important matters with you. To begin with, Heaven is decreeing that your physical adjustments be ever more accelerated. To keep up with this, the current de facto governance needs to be similarly upgraded into the new governance we have long discussed with you. Happily, blessed events are unfolding which are able to oust the dark cabal’s governments. Our associates have completed the preliminary steps that are to finish off this particular task. Accompanying this important development is the start of the delivery of the first of your prosperity funds. Once installed, your new governance intends to broadcast a series of nightly announcements which will clarify and expound in detail on what NESARA is all about. This will be the start of some truly miraculous events!

We are waiting for the right divine time to address you with a series of messages which are to explain in great detail what those Masters, who are the focal point of your many religions, really said when they walked and taught among you and received their enlightenment. These sacred lessons will be accompanied by in-depth commentary by both the Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods of Light. You need the facts and truth about the grand transformation which daily brings you new inner shifts and experiences. Heaven has asked us to elucidate all things and prepare you for the wondrous event that is approaching. Returning to full consciousness is quite a serious matter: it will change everything drastically and hugely for the better. All your feelings and interactions with self, others, and your wonderfully alive environment will be different! And we are very aware that this may at first be rather confusing for you.

We intend to assist your galactic mentors and your legions of personal Angels to help you become accustomed to this new reality and to the numerous responsibilities that accompany living in this new realm. You will discover and explore your new abilities, and will learn quickly how to apply them. The first order of business will be to create your own galactic society which will serve as a prototype for the societies you are to build on Mars, Venus, and Pax. These will form your new star-nation. We gladly embrace these instructions given to us by Heaven. Together we will do miracles which will augment the very nature of Heaven in physicality. As this future unfolds, it will reveal great knowledge about who you were created to be and why the 13 millennia of darkness were decreed. This wisdom will prepare you for what you are destined to accomplish, both in this galaxy and beyond.

Today, we updated you on what is happening and what to expect shortly. We desire that the remaining events occur swiftly and easily. It is not something that needs to remain a mystery much longer as the moment of victory quickly approaches! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

Planetary Activation Organization